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The history of
Settlers Block


Founded circa 1920

The story of Arthur Creed.

The South Australian wine region - renowned for the full-bodied grape flavours attributed to the unique growing conditions of the climate – is home to some of the most prestigious and coveted wines on the global market. With a reputation for excellence and quality, South Australia is home to not only some of the world’s most recognisable wine varieties, but also some of Australia’s oldest vineyards.

Driven by an influx of over two hundred returned servicemen taking advantage of the Government’s Soldier Settlement Scheme, works began in the Berri Irrigation Area in 1919 to clear scrubland, making way for concrete channelling, vermin proof fencing and ten-thousand-gallon water tanks which would mark the humble beginnings of the Riverland Wine Region. Originally planned between 1918 and 1919, the small township of Glossop became a centrepiece of the Government scheme, when it was realised returning soldiers would require work and rehabilitation.

Arthur Creed – a veteran of both the Battle of Gallipoli the Battle of the Somme – was granted Soldier Settler’s Block 178 consisting of twenty two acres of irrigable land. Originally living on the property in a canvas tent, the three room, stone wall house was erected in 1920, these simple soldier settler houses were characteristic of the typical dwellings built throughout the district, many of which still survive today.
With his sole income consisting of the Government grant allocation under the Settlement Scheme, Arthur began work on propagating vines in the red sandy loam of Block 178. Using a horse drawn plough, Arthur forged furrows between rows to allow for easier water runs from the channel gate to the vines, where the loam – perfect for vines – would absorb the moisture and provide prolonged irrigation to the plantation of Sultana, Muscatel Gordo, Doradillo and Currant varieties. Soon after, varieties of Grenache, White Malaga and Mataro were added.

A century later, while the vineyard has seen multiple proprietors, many of the original vines still stand as a testament of time and continue to produce fruit of the highest quality. As the horses were replaced by tractors, these century old vines were joined by varieties such as Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Colombard and Red Muscat. The century old vines - along with the recent plantings - continue to produce exquisite fruit for wine making.

In 2020, the decision was made to develop a limited and exclusive boutique wine range showcasing the superb offerings of some of the earliest planted vines in the region. Along with the launch of the limited edition Old Vine Grenache, a delectable range of fortified wines have been crafted from the Red Muscat and Grenache varieties.

Crafted by some of the regions most skilled winemakers and visionaries, the range and label – in line with the vineyards long and robust heritage – is aptly named, Settlers Block.